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Supervision helps the coach to overcome personal or professional obstacles that he encounters and which particularly affect the coaching relationship, preventing the change of the coachee. It also brings important didactic and ethical aspects.


For us, supervision is an absolute necessity for coachs, as the codes of ethics of professional associations emphasize.


We use Systemic Mapping inspired from the family constellation method created by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the 1980s.


This individual or collective coaching tool is suitable for supervising your coaching activity, offering you personal or professional solutions.


It allows, thanks to a placement method, to see the interactions of your system and to understand the hidden dynamics. The supervised coach can thus consider their problem differently in order to better free him.herself from them. Obstacles become resources. The coachee sees a new balance appearing, a new dynamic in which old blockages are transformed.

What supervision questions can Systemic Mapping answer?

For the coach and his client


Where are the tensions in the system?

What are the problematic relationships?

What shadow areas to illuminate?

What are the reflections with their own system?

Which intervention strategy to choose?

On personal plans


Financial tensions

Lack of self-confidence

Difficulties in making a choice



On the professional plan


Difficulties in developing your business

Difficulties in identifying your identity as a coach

Blockage in supporting the coachee

Conflict of loyalty between the coachee and the prescriber

Feeling of omnipotence towards his coachees


You will participate in the emergence of new solutions and you will develop your emotional intelligence and your intuition.


On a personal basis, you will find new solutions. You will be able to overcome your blockages and take charge of your life. You will gain awareness, lucidity and you will free yourself from the links and weight belonging to other members of your system.


On a professional basis, this method will allow you to respond clearly to your problem as a coach, to clarify the vision of the system in play, to unblock a situation with a coachee, to test new coaching strategies.


After the framework has been laid, the coaches and supervisors briefly introduce themselves. The process and rules of Systemic Mapping are explained and illustrated by a short demonstration.


The person doing his Systemic Mapping experiences the following process:

  • During a brief interview with the supervisors in front of the group, the coach who does his Mapping explains his request and the reason that leads him to make his constellation. She answers additional questions from supervisors

  • This person is then invited to choose from the audience a representative for himself and representatives for the elements of his system. The requested participants can accept or decline their invitation.

  • She arranges them in space in relation to each other, then resumes her place alongside the supervisors.

  • Supervisors then work with representatives of the system. While the person watches the process, the supervisors question the representatives, which helps reveal the blocking elements of this system.

  • The representatives spontaneously set in motion. Little by little, a new order appears where each element of the system finds its place and its integrity. The system and its elements calm down.

  • The person perceives a new image of his system which triggers lasting changes in him.

  • The representatives take back their own identity thanks to a ritual of “unrolling”.


A Systemic Mapping generally lasts 60 minutes.


The work of integrating a Systemic Mapping can be extended at a deep level after the group work.

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